We guide you through change

Change is not a foregone act. It is a choice.

Ours, is to go against the grain. To help companies, we took the field, experiencing the challenges of SMEs up close, by your side, with all the corporate culture you need.

Thus O.Group was born, a group of experienced consultants who, together, embrace business reality from every perspective. A strength that will also be yours.

Partner Consul Italia:

Who are we?

The expertise that comes from experience.

Turn the page, look to the future

We are happy that so many small and medium-sized businesses have chosen us, trusting us to build a future full of satisfaction and achieved goals with them.

Here are some of our clients. For them, and for you, we are there.

M.O.P.P.: our method

Management, Organization, People, Processes-in a word, M.O.P.P. These are the key concepts that underlie our method of business management. Thanks to this approach and our guidance you will manage to:

  • Make effective and efficient strategic decisions
  • Build a truly profitable business process
  • Discover new frontiers in your market
  • Face generational handover without difficulty
  • Project your company into the future
  • Grow in foreign markets with greater confidence





The expertise that comes from experience

Together toward results that matter

The company is a microcosm, where every part matters. That’s why we will help you improve every aspect of it, from human capital to organizational processes and corporate sustainability.

We will do this through a strategic plan that starts with a deep analysis and understanding of the company and its market and continues through to implementation, always supporting the company with training interventions aimed at both owners and employees. Because for change to really become part of a company, it must first be understood, through the sharing of knowledge, opinions, ideas, methods. This is the way to success.

Begin with us the journey into the future you’ve always wanted. For your company, for you, for your employees.

Benefits for people

Benefits for the company

O.Group, looking ahead to tomorrow

For us at O.Group, tomorrow begins today. Because it is only by preparing for future challenges and looking ahead with foresight that companies can truly grow.


Clear goals, detailled roadmap, horizon to be reached: begin a journey with us that will make your SME stronger, more confident and ready to overcome any obstacle.