Business internationalization

Strategic consulting for your development into foreign markets

Exploring foreign markets and growing your company internationally requires investigation, strategy and specific preparation on the culture and business customs of other countries. With us, your company can go everywhere.

Beyond the borders, to the World. Don't put limits on your growth: let's start your journey together to conquer new markets.

Expand your horizons by projecting your company into foreign markets.

For 40 years this has been our mission: charting the right course thanks to our experience in Export Management.

Veit Romeo - Senior Marketing & Export Manager

Strategic consultant for foreign market penetration

Export strategy: where to start?

Many companies are not ready for the big step, that is exploring foreign markets. This is because, before expanding abroad, it is essential to:

  • Explore the culture and traditions thoroughly
  • Know the laws and legal systems of you target country
  • Use an organized working method
  • Be punctual in work delivery
  • Have a deep understanding of your clients’ needs


We help you take these 5 steps by studying the best strategy for your company’s international growth.

Elisa Valente - Marketing & Export Manager

Strategic consultant for foreign market penetration

Clear, strategic and winning vision for your development in the foreign markets

It all starts with a concrete goal: first to overcome the business limits and then the national borders. This is the ticket to get going on your entrepreneurial journey. We will help you by developing a customized internationalization strategy through:

  • Business and sales objectives
  • Strategic Iteration with our “Export Strategy Plan”
  • Training of the internal export team
  • Data monitoring
  • Verification and feedback of the achieved results


If, on the other hand, you have already set an export strategy and your goal is to further expand your market then we support you with:

  • Preliminary check up
  • Definition of a measurable and achievable goal
  • Choice of target market
  • Competitors’ analysis
  • Building a customized database of potential contacts


Don't put limits on your growth: let's start your journey to conquer new markets together.