Business management consulting

Internal reorganization and development strategies

Without strategy and organization, there is no business.

No matter what your business is, a clear business direction and a forward-looking way approach cannot be missing from your plan for the future. That’s what we are here for.

Work today for tomorrow's success

Clear, long-term goals, a proven method of working – this is called strategy. Today more than ever, business strategy is vital, given the constant fluctuations of the market: because the only constant is change.

As O.Group, we are here to create an effective and efficient strategic plan with you. How? Through:

  • Business process reorganization
  • Reporting, management control and planning tools
  • Personnel selection
  • Business computerization
  • Methodical development planning


These are the ingredients that will bring you concrete results, even beyond your expectations.

Portrait of successful businesswoman, company ceo walks on street and makes phone calls, talking on

Angelo Cittadini - Consultant to family businesses and SMEs

Temporary managers in the areas of Administration, Finance and Management Control
General Management and Human Resources

Budget analysis: more control, more results

To improve your company’s management control, you need a tool to assess its economic and financial structure: financial statement analysis. The comprehensive analysis we offer allows you to:

  • Understand the dynamics of previous business management
  • Simplify the reading of data according to objectives
  • Align data for better space-time comparison
  • Estimate the future evolution of business dynamics
  • Define the health status of your enterprise
  • Reconstruct indicative parameters of management performance

Management control: are you taking the right steps?

Knowing trends and understanding your company’s trend data are key elements that can determine the success or failure of an SME. This is where management control comes in: an analytical tool that helps you keep tabs on your company’s performance. As O.Group we can:

  • Help you make the right decisions
  • Reduce costs
  • Maximize business performance
  • Make your business more efficient

Because only through a sound strategy your business can grow

Clear organizational structure, clear goals to achieve

A sound and transparent organizational structure will help you to achieve your goals in less time and more effectively. Designing an organizational structure that is truly competitive in the marketplace means:

  • Distributing responsibilities clearly
  • Dividing up tasks and objectives harmoniously
  • Defining the roles of all the players in your enterprise

In the past in SMEs it was customary to place a new resource in a more rigid and less participatory system, today we see the change of course: the environment for a new employee is more motivating, his or her role is defined and he or she shares a corporate culture.

Being part of a clearly organized structure means that all employees find their place within the company and share its success and goals.

A truly defined, productive, healthy habitat.

Contact us now

Gestione d’impresa: definire il processo decisionale per non lasciare niente al caso

Business management: defining the decision-making process so nothing is left to chance

Method, clarity, professionalism: defining the decision-making process is a key step in directing the company toward steady growth. So let’s set aside poetic inspiration and build a concrete and solid future for your business together. Effective business management must:

  • Define decision-making processes
  • Establish business goals
  • Effectively use tools to achieve goals
  • Define the method for measuring the achieved results


Mapping and managing production processes means reducing waste and maximizing results. That’s why you will get all the support from the O.Group team to:

  • Understand if your method meets the needs of the people you are targeting
  • Know if you are selling through the right channels
  • Confirm the efficiency of your people
  • Know your competitors’ strategies
  • Know whether your work is paying off


Track your company’s route: the horizon, your future