Strategic consulting and management

Internal reorganization and development strategies

Marco Fiini – Senior Management Consultant

Temporary manager in Administration, Finance and Managment control; Head Office and HR.

Strategic consulting and management mean well-being and foresight for those who don’t want to entrust their future to chance or to their past success.
No matter what your activity is, you can start building your future success from here.

Strategic consulting

Do you have a plan for the future?

Today’s market is increasingly subject to uncertainty and sudden changes. Now, more than ever, strategy is crucial.

Decidere cosa, quando e come fare, alla luce dei dati aziendali… è strategia.

Have you ever written down your 6-12 months goals?

Deciding what to do, when and how to do it based on your company data is called strategy.

The clearer your goals, the less bumpy the way toward the result.

What are the ingredients for an effective company strategy?
Re-organisation of company procedures
Reporting, management and planification tools
Staff selection
Business informatization
Systematic development plan

Budget analysis

The truth from the figures

The budget analysis is the evaluation of your company financial-economical structure.

What’s its purpose? To improve the company management.

We perform a throughout analysis to:

Understand the previous business management
Simplify the data evaluation according to your goal
Organize the data for a more profitable space-time comparison
Outline the health-status of your company
Evaluate the progress of your company dynamics
Determine significant parameters for the management evolution

Management control

Is it worth it?

I sell a lot but I earn too little.

If you ever thought something like this, the management control is a crucial tool for your company.

Management control teaches how to read and understand your company evolution.

It helps you to understand if your company is working correctly towards the target goals.


Management control is the tool that helps you to know how your company is doing. We can take care of it.

Do you want to make sure your strategic decisions are correct?
Do you want to lower your costs?
Do you want your company to be more efficient?
Do you want to maximize your company performances?

Improve your company well-being
and you will improve its organisation.


Clarity, layout, procedures

Have you ever wondered if a different company layout can improve your company efficiency?

Having a flowless business management and being competitive means:

a clear distribution of accountabilities
a clear distribution of goals and tasks
a clear definition of the wroking roles

What happens in a standard SME:

The “asset” is placed in a set “position” and they have a fixed role deeply linked to the daily routine.

What happens in a modern and functional company:

The “asset” has a determined role, they are trained, motivated and they know the structure of the company or the system they are a part of.

Company management

Leaving nothing to chance

The decision-making process is something you cannot leave to sudden inspiration. It needs to be built clearly and professionally. In order for everything to work you need to define:

The decision-making procedures
How to set the business goals
The tools you need to reach the goals
How to measure the results
Mapping and managing the processes means reducing the waste and maximizing the results.

How can we help you?
What can we do for you?

If your method meets the needs of your customers

If you are using the right selling channels

If you are working with efficient people

The strategies and the threats posed by your competitors

If your work produces a satisfactory profit

Do you want to find the right path for your company?
